Saturday, November 29, 2008

Delhi assembly elections '08

Finally i am done!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ya, it's was first time experience for me.My spirits were high,enthusiasm was unbounded and a sense of responsibility towards my NATION was there to add up.The occasion was to put my electoral right into practice and that too for the first time.It was no special knack for most of us,but being the first of its kind in my life it was worth waiting.The day i received my voter ID card, i started scanning through newsparers,internet and our local political discussion booths.You may easily find people around you who boast of their links renowned political personalities.Well, going through all this i reached this dawn.
Previously, i was part of people discard events like this without any reason.But,now i do understand the importance and power of my single vote.I have seen trend changing from last few years when people were unaware of their importance in selecting their leader.These days new generation is more intrested in selecting the right candidate as per the needs of nation.Elections does not demand liquor and cash these days.People now seek long term progress,they do not want to satisfy themselves with mere words of candidates.
Now explaining about my E-day experience,it was good, infact i am impresssed by the syestematic and hassle free voting syestem.Electronic voting syestem was working in full swing with commited policemen guarding booths.I was asked to prove my identity at the entry point,followed by enrolling my name in voter registration register with serial no. 12.Next step is to get a mark on your finger to show your friends and neighbours and to get a chance to boast over who missed their voting.This was followed by the most intresting part of my day i.e to select my candidate.A long list of candidates was in front of me,and it was difficult to find my candidate with utopia.I became vagrant for a minute,but soon i landed up on an unsullied candidate's name.It was congress this time with their candidate and our current CM Mrs. Sheela Dixit.She was the only suitable candidate from my side.Apart from her i found parties like BJP,BSP,Janta Dal and a lot of independant candidates.In total i had around 20 options in front of me,most of them were new to me.But,finally i beeped my choice and i was directed to leave to room.So,in total it was fun!!!!!!!! a real fun which injected a feeling of responsibility in me.Towards my locality,society and my nation.Wel,the feeling was not prevailed as compared to fun i had.This was a new experience for me and i enoyed a lot.The final upshot will decide the future of many who contested this election.I dont know what people have choosen,but i have choosed not to be a "PAPPU" by voting today....


Geetanjali Yadav said...

hmm, so finally u did it ;)
hey,i casted my vote too.i know it feels great n everyone must vote!
though it was my first time but i wasn't excited rather confused as to who to vote.. mebbe coz of elections overlapping with terror attacks..

but i liked this post!
mohit! keep it up!

breakfast of champion said...

a nice first vote too...and guess what i casted my first vote on my b`day....hahhaha but i was neither excited nor was uneventful